
‘Alam al-ǧadal fī ‘ilm al-ǧadal, Beirut 2018.

Heinrichs, Wolfhart (Hrsg.): Sulaimān Ibn ʿAbd al-Qawī aṭ-Ṭūfī

Satisfaction with Work, Family Life, and Family Policy in Germany and Japan, München 2018.

Holthus, Barbara/Bertram, Hans (Hrsg.): Parental well-being.

Immigration, Space, and Belonging, 1961 – 1990, New York 2018.

Thomsen Vierra, Sarah: Turkish Germans in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Upper Silesia, 1848 – 1960, New York 2018.

Karch, Brendan: Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland.

China Narratives in the Contemporary World, Honolulu 2018.

Billé, Franck/Urbansky, Sören (Hrsg.): Yellow Perils.


Further sources
and databases