
Open access (Neu)

David M. Maltitz: “A Long-Term View of Thai Nationalisms: From Royal to Civic Nationalism?

Vol. 9 New York, N.Y. ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2023

Martina Steber: The Guardians of Concepts Political Languages of Conservatism in Britain and West Germany, 1945-1980 Studies in British and Imperial History

German Historical Institute London, 2021 London: German Historical Institute London, 2022

Neuerdings Open Access - Monica Juneja: Modernism's Relational Geographies: Global (Art) History With and Beyond the Nation The Annual Lecture

Volume 71. (Spring 2023)

Bulletin of the German Historical Institute

Publishing House of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Saczyńska-Vercamer, M. Wółkiewicz, E. (2023): Rzecz niepospolita przedmiot jako symbol statusu władzy i funkcji


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