
Rebekka Habermas. Publications of the German Historical Institute Washington, Cambridge University Press Series.

Thieves in Court. The Making of the German Legal System in the Nineteenth Century

Herausgeber: Eckart Conze, Martin Klimke, Jeremy Varon. Publications of the German Historical Institute Washington, Cambridge University Press Series.

Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s

Die aktuelle Ausgabe von Francia-Recensio enthält 109 Rezensionen aus den Bereichen Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit und Neuste Geschichte, herausgegeben vom DHI Paris und veröffentlicht auf

Francia-Recensio 2017/1

Ines Weinrich (Hrsg.), OI Beirut, Beiruter Texte und Studien 122. This volume emphasizes the material quality of texts, both written and oral. It focuses on the sound and rhythm of their performance, on non-verbal elements, and practices of framing and embedding.

Performing Religion: Actors, Contexts and Texts - Case studies on Islam

Nadia von Maltzahn, OI Beirut. Drawing on empirical research conducted in the context of a larger study on the role of cultural institutions in the public sphere, the power struggles between different actors involved in cultural policy making will be highlighted and the concept of cultural policy defined in the Lebanese context, which in turn will be positioned within the regional context.

"What Cultural Policies?" Explicit and Implicit Cultural Policies in Lebanon


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